Kinky Trivia
is creating an inclusive trivia experience for the Kink and BDSM community!!!
The goal of Kinky Trivia is to bring the kink community together in a fun, silly, and educational forum. We are also raising money in order to sponsor kinksters in the community to go to educational kink events that they may not otherwise be able to attend. (100% of the profits from the online game goes to this goal)
We host monthly trivia games with focused sexual education, BDSM language, consent, education, and some geeky fun to educate as well as bring a sense of community. Being in the south this is a constant uphill struggle... since our sexual education program is abstinence only and fear based.
Of course, we also throw in some super nerdy trivia and silliness in the game… cause hey, that’s sexy to me!
It is our opinion that the more comfortable we become with talking about sex, sexuality, enthusiastic consent, and healthy relationships the more we will actually talk about it
Removing the taboo from the subject is the 1st step in seeing real change
We partner with many amazing vendors, crafters, artist, and companies to create some amazing prize boxes for each month.
We are focused on the education of the community, you don’t need to “Know everything” to play or win the game… we want you to walk away with more information. For that reason the monthly prize box winner is drawn from a hat (or more like spun on a wheel!!) of the names of everyone who played!
The names and the winner are 100% anonymous to protect your privacy
Let’s talk PRIZES
Every month Kinky Trivia curates some of the most amazing items from inclusive and wonderful supporters and bring them together… for you to WIN!!
Here is our current (and past) monthly prize boxes